Baked Fruit Pie.

Baked fruit pies hold best at room temperature, stored in the box it was received. They will keep for 2-3 days at room temperature, and 5-7 days refrigerated. Place plastic wrap only on cut side of pie to retain moisture inside and keep crust crisp outside. Your pie can be “refreshed” in oven to re-crisp crust for your best eating enjoyment, Warming/refreshing instructions (or refresh pie): Remove from box. Place pie in a pre-heated 375F oven for 20-30 min or until warmed to desired temperature and crust is hot to the touch. If crust begins to take on more color during baking, lay foil over to, shiny side up, and continue to bake until warm.

To freeze; wrap pie directly in plastic wrap, freeze for up to a month. Defrost in refrigerator overnight, follow refreshing or heating instructions above.

Creams, Custards, Fresh Fruit and Meringue Pies.

Keep your custard pie in the box in which it was received, stored in the refrigerator. To store out of box, cover pie loosely with plastic wrap, and keep refrigerated. Enjoy within 1-3 days for best eating. Do not heat. In most cases, freezing is not recommended.

Chicken Pot Pie & Lamb Shepherd.

Store refrigerated until ready to eat. Preheat oven to 375F. Place pot pie (in pan it was received in) on a sheet tray and lay a piece of foil on top of pie, shiny side down. Bake on the middle oven rack until hot, 70-85 min (30 -35 min for 5”, 20-30 min for a slice). Filling will ooze and bubble around edges and a knife or cake tester poked into center of pie comes out very hot to the touch. Once hot, remove pie from oven and let rest for 10-15 min (5-6 min for 5” and slices) before cutting. Refrigerate leftovers immediately. Repeat for heating leftovers.

To freeze; wrap pie directly in plastic wrap, freeze for up to a month. Defrost in refrigerator overnight, follow refreshing or heating instructions above.


Store refrigerated until ready to eat. Preheat oven to 375F. Place quiche (in pan it was received in) on a sheet tray. Bake on the middle oven rack until hot, (Whole - 50-60 min., Half - 30-35min., slice 15-25 min.) Quiche is ready when knife or cake tester poked into center of pie comes out very hot to the touch. Once hot, remove quiche from oven and let rest for 5-8 min before cutting. Refrigerate leftovers immediately. To reheat leftovers, repeat as above.

In most cases, freezing is not recommended.