Using whole fruits to bake a better granola.
I’ve been making this granola for the past ten years. I started with a base recipe I made in my past life, as a pastry chef in fine dining restaurants. I’ve made so many impactful changes here and there, replacing oil and cane sugar with organic whole fruits, adding both more fiber, and more flavor. I use only natural sweetness, and less of it too, and I do this simply in pursuit to make a more nutritious product, as it’s reputation that precedes it implies.
It’s nut free, vegan, gluten free and organic, and it’s seriously better in all ways. A bit lighter in texture, while being delicious, great for snacking, and every day eating. And watch out, it’s totally addictive too!
All these years learning different techniques by cooking and experimentation in top kitchens, leaves me always constantly looking at small ways to make good food the best it can be.
We are currently offering bags for shipping while we continue to settle in here in New York. Scroll down to place your order, batches are shipping out every Monday.
All my best,
Chef AP